Every Generation Has Its Heroes








ARMED FORCES DAY - May 15, 2010
In May of 1962, on Armed Forces Day, President John F. Kennedy gave this 'Word To The Nation':  "Guard zealously (the) right to serve in the Armed Forces, for without them, there will be no other rights to guard."
Each year we in America set aside the third Saturday in May to honor the Armed Forces of our country.  With great gratitude we remember the sacrifices given by the men and women who serve and who have served this great nation.  Their total commitment to freedoms, their deep dedication to patriotism, their loyalty and courage in the face of all danger in order that they might preserve the American way of life.   We the people of the United States gather to recognize, thank, and salute these brave souls who so gallantly have given so much to sustain 'our rights'!
It was President Harry S. Truman that first forged through to create a unified day on which the citizens of our nation would be able to honor our United States Military in such a way.  Until 1949 there had been multiple celebrations stemming from individual recognition days within our individual military branches (i.e. Army Day, Air Force Day, etc.)  However, when the branches of the military became unified under the newly created Department of Defense, it seemed fitting to some to also unify the celebrations.  On August 31, 1949, Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson announced 'Armed Forces Day' to replace the other separate Days.  It was requested that the military leagues and orders for the Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard drop sponsorship of their specific branch Days and join in support of the unified day of recognition.  The Army, Navy, and Air Force leagues did adopt the newly declared day of recognition.  The Marine Corps League, on the other hand, although agreeing to support Armed Forced Day, clearly declined dropping their support of Marine Corps Day.  
Today, although the Coast Guard has become part of the Department of Homeland Security (2003) and although each branch of service opts to also recognize and celebrate their own specific recognition Day, all branches of the military observe and support Armed Forces Day.  This Day (the third Saturday of May) and Armed Forces Week (which begins on the second Saturday of May and ends on the third Sunday of May) are annual celebrations.  Due to the nature of unique training schedules, although they observe the traditional dates for Armed Forces Day and Armed Forces Week, Reserve Units and the National Guard may hold the actual celebrations of such during any period in May. 
In 1963, President Dwight D. Eisenhower stated: "It is fitting and proper that we devote one day each year to paying special tribute to those whose constancy and courage constitute one of the bulwarks guarding the freedom of this nation and the peace of the free world."
The very first Armed Forces Day, which was celebrated on Saturday, May 20, 1950, was themed 'Teamed for Defense'.   Not only was it a day to show honor and respect to our Armed Forces, but it was also a day to learn more about them, more about their new relationship with one another within one government department, and to view the military equipment they use to protect our country.  President Truman said in his Presidential Proclamation in that year:  ".....the Armed Forces, as a unified team, are currently performing, at home and across the seas, tasks vital to the security of the nation and to the establishment of a durable peace." 
It was stated by our country's leadership that: "Armed Forces Day, Saturday, May 20, 1950, marks the first combined demonstration by America's defense team of its progress, under the National Security Act, towards the goal of readiness for any eventuality.  It is the first parade of preparedness by the unified forces of our land, sea, and air defense. "  The readiness of our unified forces was demonstrated to our civilian population through displays, literature, lectures, and other means of education and information.  
The day was also celebrated across our States by military and civilians alike with all types of gala gatherings, receptions, air shows, exhibits, open houses, and parades.  Within just the parade in Washington, DC itself over 10,000 military personnel from all branches marched in recognition of this day.  The branches of our Armed Forces were unified, as were the people of our country in honoring and celebrating their service.  
In 1967, General Earle G. Wheeler (former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) said: "Armed Forces Day, above all, honors the dedicated individuals who wear the uniforms of their country.  Each serviceman, wherever he may be, whatever his task, contributes directly and importantly to the defense of the nation.  The task of each one is the task of all the Armed Forces: to protect the freedoms which underlie the greatness of America."
In 1972, The Honorable Melvin Laird (former Secretary of Defense) stated:  "At home and abroad, military men and women are showing purpose and dedication in defending American ideas. They are performing in our country's best traditions under circumstances both difficult and complex. Thanks to their determined spirit of patriotism and professionalism, our country has a powerful and unified defense team, employing its forces in the constant quest for peace and freedom."
And today, in honor of those who are serving and who have served, the President of the United States has issued the following Presidential Proclamation for Armed Forces Day, May 15, 2010:
                                       ~ Rev. Lin

If you are reading this, Thank your Teacher! If you are reading this in English, Thank a Veteran!





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I am an American Soldier.
I am a Warrior and a member of a team.
I serve the people of the United States, and live the Army Values.
I will always place the mission first.
I will never accept defeat.
I will never quit.
I will never leave a fallen comrade.
I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills.
I always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself.
I am an expert and I am a professional.
I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy, the enemies of the United States of America in close combat.
I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life.
I am an American Soldier.
















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Marine's Prayer

Almighty Father, whose command is over all and whose love never fails, make me aware of Thy presence and obedient to Thy will.  Keep me true to my best self, guarding me against dishonesty in purpose and deed and helping me to live so that I can face my fellow Marines, my loved ones, and Thee without shame or fear.  Protect my family.


Give me the will to do the work of a Marine and to accept my share of responsibilities with vigor and enthusiasm.  Grant me the courage to be proficient in my daily performance.  Keep me loyal and faithful to my superiors and to the duties my Country and the Marine Corps have entrusted to me.  Help me to wear my uniform with dignity, and let it remind me daily of the traditions which I must uphold.


If I am inclined to doubt, steady my faith; if I am tempted, make me strong to resist; if I should miss the mark, give me courage to try again.


Guide me with the light of truth and grant me wisdom by which I may understand the answer to my prayer.
















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I am a United States Sailor.

I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America  
and I will obey the orders of those appointed over me.

I represent the fighting spirit of the Navy and those who have gone before me to defend freedom and democracy around the world.

I proudly serve my country's Navy combat team with Honor, Courage and Commitment.

I am committed to excellence and the fair treatment of all.












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I am an American Airman.
I am a Warrior.
I have answered my nation's call.

I am an American Airman.
My mission is to fly, fight, and win.
I am faithful to a proud heritage,
a tradition of honor,
and a legacy of valor.

I am an American Airman,
Guardian of freedom and justice,
My nation's sword and shield,
Its sentry and avenger.
I defend my country with my life.

I am an American Airman:
Wingman, Leader, Warrior.
I will never leave an Airman behind.
I will never falter,
and I will not fail.







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Creed of the United States Coast Guardsman
Author: VADM Harry G. Hamlet

I am proud to be a United States Coast Guardsman.

I revere that long line of expert seamen who by their devotion to duty and sacrifice of self have made it possible for me to be a member of a service honored and respected, in peace and in war, throughout the world.

I never, by work or deed, will bring reproach upon the fair name of my service, nor permit others to do so unchallenged.

I will cheerfully and willingly obey all lawful orders.

I will always be on time to relieve, and shall endeavor to do more, rather than less, than my share.

I will always be at my station, alert and attending to my duties.

I shall, so far as I am able, bring to my seniors solutions, not problems.

I shall live joyously, but always with due regard for the rights and privileges of others.

I shall endeavor to be a model citizen in the community in which I live.

I shall sell life dearly to an enemy of my country, but give it freely to rescue those in peril.

With God’s help, I shall endeavor to be one of His noblest Works...



























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Please visit me on my other websites:

Women of Ministry / Women of Faith

Faith and Life Ministries


On the websites of those I am affiliated with:

Patriot Guard Riders

Connecticut Patriot Guard Riders 

Missing In America Project

 VA Voluntary Service

Military Ministry

Christian Military Fellowship 

VFW National Home For Children

Post #296 VFW Ladies Auxiliary

Marine Corps League Auxiliary

American Soldier Memorial Project

  No Soldier Left Behind  Memorial


On my husband's websites:

JESUS My Lord and Savior Church  

Men Walking With God