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Connecticut Department of Labor
Veterans' Service Organizations

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The Connecticut Department of Labor website listed above gives the contact information, website location, and organization details for the following groups ( you can also click on the links below):

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Toll Free Numbers for Contacting VA

VA Benefits: 1-800-827-1000

  • Burial
  • Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA)
  • Death Pension
  • Dependency Indemnity Compensation
  • Direct Deposit
  • Directions to VA Benefits Regional Offices
  • Disability Compensation
  • Disability Pension
  • Education
  • Home Loan Guaranty
  • Life Insurance
  • Medical Care
  • Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment

Education (GI Bill): 1-888-442-4551

Health Care Benefits: 1-877-222-8387

Income Verification and Means Testing: 1-800-929-8387

Life Insurance: 1-800-669-8477

Mammography Helpline: 1-888-492-7844

Special Issues - Gulf War/Agent Orange/Project Shad/Mustard Agents and Lewisite/Ionizing Radiation: 1-800-749-8387

Status of Headstones and Markers: 1-800-697-6947

Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD): 1-800-829-4833





Connecticut DAV Committees
Chairpersons and Members


Facilities Locator & Directory CONNECTICUT
 (View addresses)
Veterans Health Administration | Veterans Benefits Administration 
 Veterans Health Administration 
    VA Medical Center   Skip VA Medical Center
VA Connecticut Healthcare SystemNewington Campus
VA Connecticut Healthcare SystemWest Haven Campus
    Community Based Outpatient Clinic   Skip Community Based Outpatient Clinic
Danbury Outpatient Clinic
John J. McGuirk VA Outpatient Clinic
Stamford Outpatient Clinic
Waterbury Outpatient Clinic
Windham Outpatient Clinic
Winsted Outpatient Clinic
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Norwich Vet Center
New Haven Vet Center
Hartford Vet Center
 Veterans Benefits AdministrationTo Top
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Hartford Regional Office




This Announcement Can Be Found On The Website:

Free Legal Help for Veterans

Week of July 23, 2007

The law firm of Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice PLLC, recently announced its Washington, D.C., pro bono project "When Duty Calls." Womble Carlyle will host the program in an effort to provide military veterans with pro bono legal assistance in the initial stages of disability claims filed with the Department of Veterans Affairs. For more information, read the article on the website at,15202,142517,00.html?wh=wh.

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Used With Permission


Connecticut Law About Military Affidavits


The 2006 edition of the popular publication Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependents is now available on-line at
The booklet updates the rates for certain federal payments and outlines a variety of programs and services provided by VA and other federal agencies. It also includes toll-free phone numbers, Internet addresses and a directory of VA facilities throughout the country


Eastern Connecticut State University


Charter Oak State College


Advocacy Unit to Assist Veterans and Active Duty Personnel

CT Attorney General

Connecticut Attorney General's Office

Press Release

Attorney General Announces Veterans Advocacy Unit To Assist Veterans, Active Duty Personnel On Benefit, Legal, Other Issues

November 12, 2007

Attorney General Richard Blumenthal marked Veterans Day by announcing his office is launching a Veterans Advocacy Unit to assist veterans and active duty military personnel with benefit, legal and other issues.

Starting tomorrow, veterans and active duty men and women with legal, benefit, consumer protection, employment or other questions or problems can call Blumenthal's office and speak with a lawyer who will seek to assist them.

"My office will fight for those who fought for us," Blumenthal said. "Today, as we honor the brave military men and women who selflessly serve and sacrifice for us, we should resolve to serve them. Veterans and active duty personnel needing help with benefits, service-related legal, consumer protection or employment issues can call my office for assistance.

"We owe every veteran and every man and woman now serving all benefits and rights without hitch or hindrance. As our servicemen and women return home from Iraq and Afghanistan, the need for these services is great and growing. I will fight for veterans and active duty military -- to assure access, cut red tape and break down bureaucratic obstacles."

Starting tomorrow, veterans needing assistance should call the Attorney General's Office at (860) 808-5318.




Rocky Hill Veterans Health Care Center To Be Named For Air Force CT Native


From: MSN NicknameRev-Lin-McGee___Rain  (Original Message)Sent: 5/15/2008 1:17 PM

Governor M. Jodi Rell today announced that she is naming the state’s new $33.8 million veterans health care center in Rocky Hill for a Connecticut native son and one of only two Air Force enlisted men ever awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor – Sgt. John Lee Levitow.
“John Levitow is a true Connecticut hero and treasure,” said Governor Rell   “It is the totality of his life – most especially his loyal and tireless service to Connecticut veterans after he left the military – that make this tribute so fitting.  Despite his enormous courage, he was a very unassuming, humble public servant who always put others first.  I think he would be very proud of this beautiful facility that will forever bear his name on a campus that he loved so very much.”
For more information, please visit

 Nontaxable Veterans Benefits


Subject: [VeteranIssues] Payments Under VA CWT Program Are Nontaxable Veterans' Benefits , CWT program pays vets to work in VA facilities
Payments Under VA CWT Program Are Nontaxable Veterans' Benefits (Rev. Rul. 2007-69)
The IRS has ruled that payments made by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs under the Compensated Work Therapy (CWT) Program are exempt from federal income tax as veterans' benefits. The ruling reflects the IRS's acquiescence (TAXDAY, 2007/10/29, I.5) to the Tax Court's decision in R. Wallace , 128 TC 132, Dec. 56,899 (TAXDAY, 2007/04/17, J.1), that payments received under the CWT Program constitute nontaxable veterans' benefit under 38 U.S.C. §5301 (as cross-referenced in Code Sec. 140(a)(3)).
The IRS noted that the legislative history for Code Sec. 134, which provides an exclusion from gross income for qualified military benefits, indicates that veterans' benefits under 38 U.S.C. §3101 (now 38 U.S.C. §5301) constitute qualified military benefits. The IRS further ruled that, because payments made under the CWT Program are exempt from federal income tax, they are not required to be reported on an information return.

Rev. Rul. 65-18, 1965-1 CB 32, is revoked and Rev. Rul. 72-605, 1972-2 CB 35, is amplified.

Rev. Rul. 2007-69, 2007FED ¶46,715

This is an interesting IRS decision that could have an impact on tens of thousands of veterans.

The CWT program pays vets to work in VA facilities as part of their therapy.  They could be transitioning out of a homeless program or drug / alcohol rehab.

Vets are usually paid minimum wage (based on the state in which they are working).

The VA has issued 1099 forms at the end of each year to CWT workers.
Although the VA has told many vets that their CWT earnings are not taxable, the IRS has "nailed" many vets, claiming it is income.

So...if you have received CWT compensation and paid taxes on it, you should file amended returns to get the money back because CWT pay has been ruled a BENEFIT and NOT income.

Be sure to cite IRS Rule 2007-69.

PS -- be sure to also remember that Veterans Disability Payments are NOT taxable.....

 Look For Your Disability Verification Letter For Property Tax Relief

Governor M. Jodi Rell announced today that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (USVA) will soon be mailing disability verification letters required for local property tax relief to Connecticut’s 22,000 veterans.
“This is great news for Connecticut’s veterans who have been counting on this relief,” Governor Rell said.  “Just a few days ago, thousands of disabled state veterans stood to lose a tax break if they did not contact the federal Department of Veterans Affairs requesting proof of their disability.  In these tough economic times it is imperative that these men and women receive all the financial benefits and assistance that they have so courageously earned.”
On September 29, Governor Rell was informed by the USVA that because of a computer system change in July, the agency would not mail forms to veterans that verify their disability ratings for local tax purposes.  Governor Rell immediately wrote to USVA Secretary James Peake expressing concern and asking him to correct the issue in the near future.